Viljandi, Estonia
Riigikinnisvara AS
5900 m2
2011, 1st prize
Competition team
Maarja Kask, Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke
Design team
Maarja Kask, Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke, Andro Mänd, Margus Tamm, Eva Laarmann
Interior design
Annual Architecture Award of the Architecture Endowment of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (2013)
Estonian Ministry of Culture Heritage Department: Best Building in Historic Environment Award (2013)
Annual Building Project 2013 of the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies (2014)
Viljandi State High School was built in 2013 as the first example of Estonian education centralization reform that aims to provide equal education opportunities in modern environment for the youth living in rural areas.
The extension to Viljandi State High School makes for a discreet, lowest possible backdrop for the heritage-listed historic building. The solution is based on the characteristics of the plot, situated in a low lakeside land. Orientation towards East-West ensures good natural lightning conditions and enables pleasant views towards lake and theatre and the historic building.
On the site of the missing historic wing, an entrance square has been formed. The lakeside works as a more private recreational area wirh sports grounds. The spatial program has been reorganized with almost all classes in the extension and administrative functions in the historic building. The layout avoids conventional atrium and densely packed classes with narrow corridors, opting for a more vaied solution.

“It’s so great when people ask me how does it feel to study at the coolest high school in the country! ”

“Viljandi State High School is a contemporary and inspiring studying environment harmonically combining new and old architecture while in a beautiful dialogue with the whole urban architecture. ”