Ujula 98, Tartu
Tartu City Government
Design Team
Maarja Kask, Ralf Lõoke, Ragnar Põllukivi, Marja Viltrop, Martin Mclean
Annual Architecture Award of the Architecture Endowment of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (2021)
The Barge Society complex creates a unique environment right at the waterfront. The triangular buildings and shelters located just on the shore of river Emajõgi function as a unified complex, a village of bargemen discreetly tucked away from the city. The buildings, placed as close to water as possible and with mostly South-facing facades looking over the river, create a cosy and unique inner courtyard between the river and the buildings, available for events like concerts, parties, performances etc. The Lodjakoda complex is a hybrid between a port and a boat construction facility with very specific technological requirements and a leisure centre. The shore path extending across the grounds is directed through the courtyard, allowing visitors to come into direct contact with activities taking place in the building complex and to enjoy the shortest and the most fascinating trajectory on their walk. Under the gable roofs three distinct volumes are located: the large barge chamber building accommodating administration, a café, a seminar room, ticket office, boat construction workshop, the port captain’s room, workers’ room, storage; a shelter for outdoor classes in summer and barge storage in winter; a small sauna complex, closest to the river.

“Uut lodjakoda ehitati nagu rätsepaülikonda. /... / Lodjakoja ehitamise jutt algas sellest, et mida me teeme ja mida meil vaja läheb. Selle järgi hakkasid arhitektid seda kaunisse vormi valama. Nüüd on ta valmis ja ma ei ole mujal maailmas sellist töökoda näinud. Tavaliselt ehitatakse laevu ikka sellistes ajutistes kuurides või suisa lageda taeva all. /... / Siia saab kasvõi peene tualeti ja tikk-kontsaga sisse tulla, eelmine oli muldpõrandaga, seal oleks see raske olnud. Näe, hiljuti tehti lodja peal tsirkust, artistid tulid nüüd koda üle vaatama ja ütlevad, et päris seitset meetrit kõrgust ei ole, aga võib-olla hakkab siin isegi tsirkust saama.”