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II prize for Estonian Academy of Security Sciences Narva College competition

Salto AB won the 2nd prize for Estonian Academy of Security Sciences Narva College architecture competition with their design called “Vaheldus” (Alternation). The new campus for Estonian Academy of Security Sciences will be built in Estonian-Russian border city Narva as part of the state politics to decentralise wider Tallinn area and to create jobs, infrastructures and distribute new institutions all over Estonia. Narva is on extraordinarily diverse Estonian city in terms of history and architecture, and has thus recently inspired a lot of real-estate and creative industry developments.

sisekaitseakadeemia, Narva, Salto
The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences Narva College seeked for a 7620 m2 campus site with classrooms, auditoriums, offices and cabinets; a student hostel; and most importantly, training facilities, including pool, gym, rifle range. The academy campus infrastructure focused around a festive flag square and recreational outdoor space, landscaping, car and bicycle parking lots. Salto Architects sketch design proposed a study and living environment with variable spaces that can be jubilant, solemn, active or domestic according to the function of the capacity.


sisekaitseakadeemia, salto arhitektid
Main entrance view from Paul Keres street